Mardinli Ýþadamlarý Paris fuarýnda

Mardin Businessmen at International Food Fair

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On behalf of Mardin Organized Industrial Zone, Vice President Nasýr Duyan and the members of the board of directors Þükrü Karaboða and Salim Ýlhan participated in the fair held in Paris,France.

 Project Coordinator Nurullah Kýlýç,  Suud Karaboða and Kerim Karaboða from ''Oli Makarna'', Kazým Ýlhan ve Alim Özten from ''Ýlhan Makarna'', Ýbrahim Zamur and Vecdi Zamur from ''Mes Bulgur'', Kenan Duyan from ''Hacýþakiroðlu Un'', Veysi Duyan from ''Marduy Un'', Ercan Kasap and Faysal Sun from ''Ýpek Bulgur'', Mehmet Kýlýç ve Ahmet Kýlýç from ''Kýlýçlar Bulgur'', Nimet Öner and Güneþ Akýn from ''Öner Bulgur'', Osman Dölek and Hüseyin Dölek from ''Çaðdaþ Bulgur'', Aydýn Kurtay from ''Kurtaylar Bulgur'', Hayri Muhan Husen from ''Yaþam Un'', Faruk Demircan from ''National Customs Clearance'', Selahattin Öter from '' Öter Bulgur'' , tourism professional Fýrat Kaya and  Mardin Journalists Association President Mehmet Çelik participated in the fair held in Paris.

Businessman Mahsum Altunkaya who is originally from Mardin and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ''Southeastern Anatolia Cereals, Pulses, Oil Seeds and Products Exporters Union'' as well as Altunkaya corporate group visited Mardin stand and conversed with industrialists . Altunkaya  stated that '' I believe in your ability to compete with global brands in Turkey. It's good and in our interest to set our goals high''. Head of Southeastern Anatolia Exporters' Association Abdulkadir Çýkmaz visited Mardin Organised Industrial Zone (OSB), bulgur (cracked wheat) and Pasta stand expressed that they would work to eliminate the foundamental problems encountered in exports. Industrialists from Mardin underscored that the export guarantee should be dragged down from 10% to 1%. Industrialists remarked that It takes a long time to close the export documents.  Also Industrialists pointed out that '' the Ministry of Economy sends a letter to the regional directorates to close the documents. Sometimes, the regional customs directorates requires us to get an appointment and sometimes extends it up to 3 months. This in turn leads to the disruption of exports. Therefore this issue needs to be resolved immediately''. Head of Southeastern Anatolia exporters' association expressed that they will take the issue to the Ministry of Economy and be a close follower of it.

The Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, which undertook the organization sponsorship of the Turkish companies participating in the fair, gave a certificate of appreciation to the participant companies. Dursun Topçu, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of  Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, visited  Mardin stand and presented a certificate of appreciation to the companies bringing the bulgur (cracked wheat) and pasta products to the fair.

Mardin Organized Industry Zone Vice President Nasser Duyan stated that Bulgur(Cracked wheat) and Pasta producers that participated in the fair have made bilateral and positive negotiations with many people from European and African countries and underlined that he strongly believe that the fair will increase the economic power of  Mardin Organized Industry Zone (OSB).

''Our industrialists proccess the world's  best quality wheat grown in Mesopotamian soils in the best way and this demonstrates the power of  Mardin economy at the International Food Fair in Paris .In this fair, not only do  we  try to bring Bulgur and Makarnam into the world market but also are we  demonstrating that we are able to compete with the high quality and famous brands in the food markets of the world countries. Our friends made interviews with numerous businessmen from different countries. We will see the results in the coming days.Our industrialists and businessmen that participated in the fair gained significant information about food cultures of different countries . We have justified proud of  participating in one of the world's largest food fairs in Paris, France. I would like to thank our Minister of Economy, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce,  Southeastern Anatolia Exporters’ Association (GAIB) administration,  Industrialists and Contributors '' said Duyan.

Date: 2018-11-08
/ 1948 person view.