Kadýn ve Genç Giriþimciler Kurullarý seçimleri gerçekleþtirildi.

Elections for Women and Young Entrepreneurs Boards were held.

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The elections of the executive committee of the Mardin Young Entrepreneurs and Women Entrepreneurs Council were held in the meeting hall of our chamber.

TOBB Young Entrepreneurs Board (TOBB GGK) is an advisory board established within TOBB that sheds light on the decisions to be taken by the TOBB Board of Directors, develops basic policies on young entrepreneurship and contributes to the formation of opinions.

TOBB Women Entrepreneurs Board (TOBB KGK) is an advisory board within TOBB that develops general policies on women entrepreneurship and contributes to the formation of opinions. At the same time, the Board was established to provide support to women entrepreneurs in implementing their entrepreneurial ideas with training and capacity-building support.

Date: 2023-10-19
/ 218 person view.